Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2029
Feedback updated 20 Feb 2025
We asked
We sought your views on the draft Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-29. The Care Act 2014 sets out the statutory duties for Local Authorities and has a focus on wellbeing, enablement, partnership working and outcomes. It has been key to our approach in developing the North Northamptonshire draft Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2029. The draft Strategy supports people aged 18 and over as well as young people from the age of 14 moving into adulthood.
You said
There were 40 responses. Consultation responses received were broadly supportive of the strategy with no changes made as a result.
We did
The strategy was adopted by Executive at their meeting held on 13 February 2025. The strategy now moves to implementation phase and forms a key part of preparations for the assurance of the Council’s delivery of Care Act 2014 duties that would be undertaken by the Care Quality Commission.
The Care Act 2014 sets out the statutory duties for Local Authorities and has a focus on wellbeing, enablement, partnership working and outcomes. It has been key to our approach in developing North Northamptonshire Council’s draft Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2029. The draft Strategy supports people aged 18 and over as well as young people from the age of 14 moving into adulthood.
We want to hear your views on the draft Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2029. The Strategy has been developed following collaborative engagement and co-production work with those who use our services and people and local partners working in social care. Groups include our new Expert by Experience panel members, partners of the North Place Board and Adult Social Care staff. Drawing on their knowledge and experience the draft strategy aims to improve the way we deliver and commission support.
The draft strategy has several key areas:
- Our shared vision
- How we will work with people and communities
- A case for change
- How we will change
- Shared Outcomes
Our survey seeks your feedback on the style and language of the draft Strategy as well as our proposals to service delivery.
More information can be found in the Executive report and appendices dated 14 March 2024.
Your feedback will help us to shape the final proposed draft Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2029 which will be put before Executive for adoption early next year.
Once the strategy is finalised we will also publish an easy read version. We’ve already started to work on this and have been working alongside our Experts by Experience panel to create an accessible and easy read version.
An Equality Screening Assessment was also conducted.
How to have your say
Please complete our survey via the link below. You can also access this online questionnaire free of charge at any North Northamptonshire Council library. Please see the Library website or telephone 0300 126 3000 to check opening times.
Alternatively, you can email or send your comments in by post using the contact details below.
If you have any queries, comments or would like a copy of this questionnaire in another format (including paper, easy read or large print) you can contact us. Please use the following email, post or telephone:
Telephone: 0300 126 3000
Post: FAO Helen Goult
North Northamptonshire Council
The Cube
George Street
NN17 1QG
The deadline for completing this questionnaire is midnight, 16 December 2024.
For information about how consultation and engagement responses are managed, please see the consultation and engagement privacy notice.
- Consultations
- Adult social services
- Your council
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