Your voice matters

View and respond to current consultations, and take part in engagement surveys and discussions.

We want to listen

Thank you for taking the time to visit our Your Voice Matters web pages, which is the hub for our consultation and engagement activities.

It’s vital we hear people’s views on our services and future proposals to help ensure we provide great value services, which are flexible and appropriate to local needs, and help improve the lives of those who live, work and visit the area.

Consultation and engagement is a key part of our democratic decision-making process and ensures that the voices and opinions of individuals, communities, and stakeholders are considered alongside other aspects when we shape our policies, projects, and other initiatives in North Northants.

Please do provide your feedback, sign up to our Residents’ Panel, and share the links with your friends and family who may be interested in shaping future plans.

Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council

Get involved

Here you can find current open activities, and have your say to shape our future.

Designation of the Kettering Central Neighbourhood Area

North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) has received an application from Kettering Town Council for the designation of a neighbourhood area. Under Regulation 6 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, NNC is required to publicise the application to let people know about it and provide details of how they can make comments. You can view the full application and map . People who live, work or carry on business in...

Give us your views on Pharmaceutical Needs

North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council Public Health teams are completing some important research on how you feel about pharmacy services. A pharmacy, also known as a chemist, is a place you would go to: To collect a prescription To buy medicines To talk to a pharmacist for advice about your illnesses or medication We do not mean any pharmacy in a hospital, or somewhere you shop to buy anything other than medicine, for example, beauty...

Statement of Licensing Principles: Gambling Act 2005

The Gambling Act 2005 places the responsibility for the licensing of gambling premises and the issuing of gambling permits with Local Authorities in their area. We are required in law to publish a written Statement of Licensing Principles (usually referred to as the Gambling Licensing Policy), setting out how we intend to exercise the licensing and enforcement powers conveyed to us under the Act. The Council’s current Gambling Licensing...

Climate change attitudes and behaviours

We are launching this important survey to gather your thoughts on climate change, our six main areas of focus, and your suggestions for actions we should take to mitigate climate change risks in North Northamptonshire. This survey forms part of a wider consultation on the Council’s draft Framework for Climate Change which will inform our reimagined Climate Change Strategy, Engagement will take place in two ways: Climate change...

Climate Change Framework - have your say

Climate change is an urgent issue impacting our communities, with rising temperatures and more extreme weather events posing serious and increasing risks to our environment, health, and economy. The Council is committed to tackling climate change head-on by creating a reimagined strategy for North Northamptonshire. Engagement will take place in two ways: Climate change attitudes and behaviours . Seeking your thoughts on...

Polling District and Polling Place Review 2024

North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) is conducting a further review of polling districts and polling places that are used across North Northamptonshire to take account of new ward boundaries that come into effect for the Local Government Elections that will be held in May 2025. We need to ensure that the new wards are subdivided into smaller voting areas called polling districts and that there is a polling station allocated to each of those polling districts. ...

Have your say on traffic regulation orders

Here you can find out how to get involved in traffic regulation order (TRO) activities.

Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)

Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) are legal documents developed by the Traffic Authority which are required to support a range of different measures, which govern or restrict the use of public roads. These measures include: waiting and loading restrictions (double yellow lines, limited waiting, loading etc.) one-way streets banned turns speed limits weight or width restrictions bus or cycle lanes electric vehicle parking places Further information...

What we have achieved so far

You can see some of the things we have been consulting on over the last year, and how we have used your feedback to make the positive change you wanted to see.

Wellingborough & Rushden Local Cycling Walking and Infrastructure Plan

The local plan for cycling and walking in Wellingborough and Kettering

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Kettering Energy Park Masterplan - 2nd draft

A planning application is expected by the end of 2024

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Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

The strategy was approved by Executive in June 2024.

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