Local Offer Review

Closed 31 Oct 2022

Opened 1 Jul 2022


We are asking you to help us to review the current Northamptonshire Local Offer website.  Your feedback is really important as it will help us to redesign the Local Offer pages for each Local Area. We want to make sure that we retain the sections that work well for you, and improve the sections that don’t. 

You have told us that communication of information regarding Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) services and support is an issue across the Local Area. This important piece of work has been requested by the Communication Working Group which consists of Northamptonshire Parent Carer Forum Group (NPFG), and representatives from education, health and social care services to help improve this.

Please help us to do this by completing this survey, which will take about 5 minutes to complete.  There are 24 questions with many just needing you to tick a box from a drop down menu. If you are interested in helping us to redesign the Local Offer further, please contact Localoffer.ncc@northnorthants.gov.uk 

If you are a parent / carer of a child with SEND, and want to know more about how NPFG work with the Councils and partners to challenge and support improving SEND and want to get involved, please contact NPFG on enquiries@npfg.co.uk

For information about how consultation and engagement responses are managed, please see the consultation and engagement privacy notice.


  • Engagement activities