North Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2022/23 Consultation - Group Facilitators Feedback Form
North Northamptonshire Council’s budget proposals set out a detailed spending strategy for the authority for the financial year 2022-2023 as well as outlining the medium-term financial plan for the next two years.
The council is working hard to protect vital services, while at the same time proposing a balanced budget, with a net revenue budget of £293.5million.
This funding provides a range of services to residents and businesses across the area including care to vulnerable adults and children, education, the disposal and collection of waste, household waste recycling, economic development, housing and support for the homeless.
While the council is in a stable position now, it is recognised that the Covid pandemic has had a profound effect on societies and economies around the world and this presents some uncertainty in the medium term.
However, the council believes that by being prudent it can be in the best position possible as it moves forward.
The budget further develops firm financial foundations for the council as it settles into its second year following the reorganisation of local government in Northamptonshire.
Proposals focus on further transformation of services as well as developing policies around the authority’s corporate plan.
The council’s commitment to tackling the effects of climate change is emphasised with a dedicated pot of £1 million over the next three years to be invested in moving towards net carbon zero.
The council is also investing in Northamptonshire Children’s Trust to help deliver service improvements for some of our most vulnerable children and young people.
Council Tax
It is proposed that council tax is increased by 2.99%, which includes the adult social care precept of 1%.
This would contribute around £5.2m per annum and would represent a Band D level of Council Tax for North Northamptonshire Council of £1,578.73 for 2022/23.
This is an increase of £45.83 (equivalent to £0.88 per week) from the Band D Council Tax level of £1,532.90 in 2021/22.
This Band D figure does not include the Council Tax for individual Town and Parish Councils or the Council Tax set for Fire and Police by the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.
There is no change to the Local Council Tax Support Scheme which will continue at 25%.
Next steps
This consultation will run from 23 December until midnight on Friday, 28 January, 2022 with the Executive then meeting on 10 February to consider final budget proposals for recommendation to Full Council on 24 February.
The main proposals are:
- To increase Council Tax by 2.99%, comprising a ‘core’ Council Tax increase of 1.99% covering all services and a further 1% for the adult social care precept, which is the maximum amount permitted. This would contribute around £5.2m per annum and would represent a Band D level of Council Tax of £1,578.73 in 2022/23, or the equivalent of £30.36 per week.
- Draft Capital Programme 2022-25
Your feedback on this consultation is really important to us, and all consultation feedback will be analysed and considered, and will help Councillors make a final decision on the budget at the North Northamptonshire Council Full Council meeting on 24 February 2022. This meeting is held in public and anyone wishing to speak at the meeting must contact once the agenda is issued on the Council's website on 16 February 2022. Details of how the public can address the meeting will be given on the agenda.
Related Documents
Please read the related documents to gain a better understanding of the budget proposals before you comment on them.
- Draft Budget 2022-23 and Medium-Term Financial Plan, and its appendices:
- Appendix A - Draft Budget Summary 2022-23
- Appendix B - List of Proposals, which contains the full list of budget proposals
- Appendix D - Dedicated Schools Grant
- Appendix E – Equality Screening Assessment
- Addendum - Budget Update 2022-23 - following publication of the Provisional Local Government Financial Settlement
- Capital Programme 2022-25, and its appendices:
- Appendix A - Capital Programme 2022-25
- Appendix B – is regarding the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme 2022-25. Council tenants will be consulted via a targeted consultation on the HRA proposals via their respective Tenant Forum’s
- Appendix C - Development Pool
Have your say
This form is to help assist a group of respondents to record and provide their feedback as a collective group (for example a community group) to one or more of the consultation proposals.
If you would like to respond to the consultation as an individual, or if you are responding on behalf of an organisation, then we would encourage you to complete the online questionnaire.
The following sections give details of the budget proposals. Please tell us your groups views by completing this questionnaire.
This questionnaire focusses on the new proposals for the draft budget 2022/23 that will likely affect resident and service users. However, you can comment on anything within the Draft Budget in the comment boxes.
Your feedback will be part of a report with many other people’s feedback, so you will not be personally identified.
The deadline for completing this questionnaire is midnight 28 January 2022.
If you prefer you can download the below PDF version of this questionnaire to discuss with your group and email or post the form back to us.
For information about how consultation and engagement responses are managed, please see the consultation and engagement privacy notice.
Thank you for helping us by completing this questionnaire.
- Consultations
- Council tax
- Finance