Corby Station Link

Closed 10 Oct 2022

Opened 2 Sep 2022

Feedback updated 6 Apr 2023

We asked

Residents were asked to have their say and provide feedback on concept designs for combined projects Station to Town Centre Link Road and Smart & Connected Corby: both projects within the Corby Towns Fund.

You said

A full analysis report was published on a dedicated Corby Towns Fund webpage in early February 2023.

We did

A series of recommendations were taken forward, which included reviewing safety concerns, providing clarity around costings and consideration of alternative accessible access. Common themes raised from the engagement period have been incorporated into the concept designs. This will be followed by a business case update in March 2023 and the publishing of proposed amends to the projects to the public. A formal consultation on the final designs is expected to take place in Autumn/Winter 2023. Until this point, designs can be amended and comments from the public will be taken into consideration.  Visit the Corby Towns Fund webpage


Residents are being asked to have their say and provide feedback on the proposed plans for pedestrian and cycle routes between Corby town centre and train station.

The Town Centre to Train Station link road and Smart and Connected Corby are two of the projects within the Corby Towns Fund which North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) was awarded £19.9m from Government to deliver. 

The projects are in the early stages and concept designs were drafted as part of the feasibility study. Now NNC is asking residents and businesses to share their thoughts and provide feedback on the plans, before further engagement and consultation takes place later in the project.

From Friday, 2 September to Friday, 30 September, information boards will be on display at the Corby Cube and there will also be staffed events, where residents can speak to staff and ask questions, between 10:00am and 4:00pm on:

  • Monday, 5 September
  • Tuesday, 13 September 
  • Wednesday, 21 September 
  • Thursday, 29 September

For those unable to attend, feedback can be provided through the dedicated Corby Towns Fund web page.



  • Engagement activities
  • Parking, roads and transport