Kettering Local Cycling, Walking and Infrastructure Plan

Closed 19 May 2023

Opened 13 Apr 2023

Feedback updated 20 Jul 2023

We asked

We asked your views on the Kettering LCWIP which was undertaken using the Commonplace consultation platform at We sought views on: overall view of the LCWIP proposals / comments on the overall plan and on the individual route proposals / which Individual Routes residents thought should be prioritised. The aim was to ascertain the level of support for the cycling and walking plan, which routes should be prioritised for further design and development and also to obtain comments to improve the LCWIP and the future design of the proposals.

You said

There were 169 responses in total:

  • 81% of respondents were either happy or satisfied with the overall LCWIP
  • Only 3% were unhappy with the LCWIP
  • No clear priority order for the route proposals were identified by the respondents, but those routes identified most often for priority were routes 3, 1A, 5, 7, 1B, 8, 6 and 8A
  • Numerous detailed comments on each of the route proposals were provided

We did

Each of the responses and comments have been analysed and considered. A Consultation Report that summarises the findings of this analysis has been prepared and will be reported to NNC members (along with a report on the overall engagement for the overall LCWIP process) when approval of the Kettering LCWIP proposals will be sought. The report includes proposals to reflect all comments received and ensure they are considered as the design of the route proposals is developed further.


Following earlier consultations with local residents and stakeholders North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) has drafted a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for Kettering, in collaboration with WSP and Brightwayz.

Consultation activities included a series of workshops with residents and stakeholders and a dedicated feedback section on the Commonplace website.

Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) provide a strategic approach to identifying cycling and walking improvements at a local level. They enable a long-term approach to developing local cycling and walking networks for the next ten years. They also form a vital part of the Government’s strategy to increase the number of trips made on foot or by cycle. 

During this consultation you can share your feedback on:

  • Proposed routes and corridors
  • Your priority of individual routes and corridors
  • The overall LCWIP report

Following feedback the draft report will be reviewed by Executive for adoption by NNC.

NNC residents, organisations and businesses are invited to give their views via the Commonplace platform online. You can also contact us via the email or postal addresses below for a paper copy.  The consultation is open from 13 April to 19 May 2023.


North Northamptonshire Council
Sheerness House

NN16 8TL


  • Consultations
  • Planning and building control
  • Public Health