Polling District and Polling Place Review 2024
Feedback updated 21 Feb 2025
We asked
North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) conducted a statutory review of all polling districts and polling places that are used across North Northamptonshire. The aim of the polling district and place review was to reflect the changes made to the electoral arrangements for North Northamptonshire and to ensure that as far as reasonable and practicable the facilities for voting meet the needs of local people.
You said
A total of 113 responses were received via the dedicated Engagement Hub. The detailed responses are available at https://www.northnorthants.gov.uk/elections-and-voting/polling-district-and-polling-place-review
In general most responses were positive, however, a small number of concerns were raised around the situation and accessibility of a few of the polling stations used at previous elections.
We did
A brief summary of the feedback we received together with our responses was presented to the meeting of Democracy and Standards Committee on 21 November 2024. In response to the feedback we received, we reviewed and changed some of our polling places. An updated list of polling places and the areas they serve is available here.
The consultation also highlighted a small number of other concerns which related to information for voters, directions to polling places, and in some cases the parking arrangements.
We have therefore committed to keeping voting arrangements under review, particularly in relation to accessibility and staff training with a view to addressing the concerns raised as part of this consultation process and ensuring the facilities adequately meet the needs of voters.
North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) is conducting a further review of polling districts and polling places that are used across North Northamptonshire to take account of new ward boundaries that come into effect for the Local Government Elections that will be held in May 2025.
We need to ensure that the new wards are subdivided into smaller voting areas called polling districts and that there is a polling station allocated to each of those polling districts.
A polling district is the geographical area created by the sub-division of a parliamentary constituency or ward into smaller areas. Each parish must be a separate polling district
A polling place is the building or area in which a polling station is located.
A polling station is the room or area within the polling place where voting takes place. The Acting Returning Officer has a statutory responsibility to allocate polling stations within the polling place during an election.
NNC is keen to hear your suggestions or representations about new polling districts or to receive feedback on proposals for future arrangements. Information and feedback gathered at the previous statutory review that took place in the autumn of 2023 will also be used to inform this review.
NNC is taking this opportunity to gather further feedback about all polling stations in order to ensure good accessibility for all electors. Additionally, we use a small number of schools as polling stations and welcome feedback relating to alternative venues that might be considered.
As part of the review process, we will:
• seek to provide all electors in each polling district with sufficient facilities for voting within a reasonable distance, as are practicable in the circumstances
• seek to ensure that so far as is reasonable and practicable all polling places are easily identifiable, easy to get to and accessible to those with disabilities
• regard accessibility needs of those with disabilities, when considering or reviewing the designation of a polling place
• try to promote a sense of community identity through the selection and location of a polling station
We welcome comments on polling districts and polling places from residents, community groups, councillors, parish councils, polling station booking agents, current/former polling station staff, any individuals with disabilities or groups representing disabled people within North Northamptonshire.
Please note that the Council is required to publish any representations made in the course of the review. Further information can be found at www.northnorthants.gov.uk/pdpr. You can also make contact via email or in person at the address below. Paper copies or Easy Read versions of our survey can be supplied upon request.
On completion of a review, we must give reasons for decisions in the review and publish such other information as is prescribed.
Our review of polling districts and places will be concluded by 30 November 2024, and has been timed to coincide with the next revision to the Register of Electors on 1 December 2024.
Email: pollingstation@northnorthants.gov.uk
Electoral Services
North Northamptonshire Council
Municipal Offices
Bowling Green Road
Northants, NN15 7QX
Papers will also be available for inspection at the above office.
If you would like these papers in any other format, including Easy Read, please contact the team via pollingstation@northnorthants.gov.uk or call 01832 742076.
This survey is open until midnight, 25 October 2024.
For information about how consultation and engagement responses are managed, please see the consultation and engagement privacy notice.
- Consultations
- Councillors and democracy
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