Kettering Town Centre Community Safety Survey

Closed 3 Apr 2024

Opened 20 Mar 2024


This survey is being carried out by the North Northamptonshire Town Centre Task Group. This group is responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring actions to address key crime and disorder, environmental crime and anti-social behaviour issues within the town centres across North Northamptonshire. The group is made up of several partner organisations including North Northamptonshire Council, Northamptonshire Police, local town councils, and other local organisations who have a focus on community safety.

This survey is seeking the views of residents and visitors to Kettering Town Centre. We want to hear your views of the town centre, specifically your thoughts on its safety.

We will use your feedback to highlight the areas of concern and coordinate action plans with our partners to help to deal with the issues. We are trailing this in Kettering first then will roll it out to the other towns across North Northamptonshire.

If you would like more information or to report an issue please contact the Safer Communities Team: 


  • Engagement activities
  • Community, safety and emergencies