Climate Change Framework - have your say

Closed 20 Oct 2024

Opened 16 Sep 2024

Feedback updated 29 Jan 2025

We asked

The Council launched the draft Climate Change Framework on 16th September 2024 for public consultation, which ran until 20th October 2024. The Framework set out the foundation for tackling the causes and consequences of climate change locally and our six key areas of focus to help enable net zero by 2050. Recognising that collective action is essential to achieving the vision and outlined goals within the draft strategy we were keen to understand the views of residents, businesses, and organisations across the area regarding issues related to climate change and sustainability. The public consultation was conducted by the Council’s Consultation and Engagement Team. The structure and design of the consultation was set out over two surveys:
• Climate change attitudes and behaviours. Seeking thoughts on climate change, our six main areas of focus, and your suggestions for actions the Council should take to mitigate climate change risks in North Northamptonshire.
• Consultation on the Council’s Draft Climate Change Framework. Seeking thoughts on the draft Framework, which outlined our vision, approach, and key areas of focus to address the effects of climate change over the next six-years.

You said

In total, 358 respondents filled out the questionnaires (94 for the Framework and 264 for the Attitudes and Behaviours survey), either partially or fully. The Consultation Report will be appended to a governance report that is scheduled to go before the Place & Environment Scrutiny Committee in January, and publicly available. The Consultation Report provides a full accounting of survey results.

We did

The results from the public consultation and stakeholder interviews have been used to inform the draft North Northamptonshire Climate Change Strategy (CCS) 2024-2030. The Strategy is appended to the Place & Environment Scrutiny Committee report, which is available in the public issued papers, at item 6.


Climate change is an urgent issue impacting our communities, with rising temperatures and more extreme weather events posing serious and increasing risks to our environment, health, and economy.

The Council is committed to tackling climate change head-on by creating a reimagined strategy for North Northamptonshire.

Engagement will take place in two ways:

  • Climate change attitudes and behaviours. Seeking your thoughts on climate change, our six main areas of focus, and your suggestions for actions we should take to mitigate climate change risks in North Northamptonshire. Take the survey.
  • Consultation on the Council’s Draft Climate Change Framework. The draft framework will be used to inform the Council’s Climate Change Strategy. The draft framework outlines our vision, approach, and key areas of focus to address the effects of climate change over the next six-years. See survey link below.

Draft Climate Change Framework

Your responses are crucial in shaping our understanding of what is important in terms of climate change and what action the Council should take locally.

Who can take part in this consultation?

This consultation is open for everyone, including residents, elected members, businesses, public agencies, and voluntary and community organisations.

We are keen to collect responses from a variety of background, viewpoints, and interest areas. By sharing your views, you will directly influence the Council’s reimagined Climate Change Strategy 2024-2030.

What happens next?

Once the consultation is closed all feedback will be analysed and considered.

This consultation will close at midnight, 20th October 2024.

For information about how consultation and engagement responses are managed, please see the consultation and engagement privacy notice.  


  • Consultations
  • Planning and building control
  • Your council