Local Transport Plan - Baseline report

Closes 23 Mar 2025

Opened 10 Feb 2025


North Northamptonshire Council is looking to produce its first Local Transport Plan (LTP) for the North Northamptonshire area. This Plan will identify our transport policies, objectives and linking in with the North Northamptonshire Big 50 Future Vision, Corporate Plan and the wider Council policies for the area. We are seeking to start the process by engaging with stakeholders and residents on the draft Local Transport Plan Baseline Report.
We recommend that you view this before proceeding with the survey.

Production of an LTP is a statutory requirement of the Transport Act 2000 and Local Transport Act 2008 which require us to set out our plans and policies for transport as well as how we intend to implement them. The current Plan for North Northamptonshire is the Northamptonshire Transportation Plan produced by Northamptonshire County Council in 2012. As a new unitary council, we want to develop a new LTP for North Northamptonshire that reflects local needs. 

As an initial stage in the development of the LTP a draft Baseline Report has been produced. The report identifies changes that have occurred since 2012 as well as the policies and guidance that will be considered in the development of the Local Transport Plan.

We are therefore seeking your feedback and comments on this draft Baseline Report so that we can progress with developing a North Northamptonshire Local Transport Plan.

Please note that this is only the very initial stages in the development of the future LTP. There will be future public consultation and engagement as work progresses with developing the Plan, over the next 18 months, with the LTP programmed for completion and adoption in 2026. 

You can have your say on these initial stages of the LTP by sharing your feedback on the draft Baseline Report via the survey link below. Should you require a paper copy of this survey or wish to provide additional information then please email YourVoiceMatters@northnorthants.gov.uk

Alternatively, you can post your feedback to: 

Transport Planning Team
Highways, Waste and Growth
North Northamptonshire Council
Sheerness House
NN16 8TL

This survey closes at 23.59 on 23 March 2025.

For information about how consultation and engagement responses are managed, please see the consultation and engagement privacy notice. 

Give us your views


  • Engagement activities
  • Parking, roads and transport
  • Your council
  • Transport