North Northamptonshire Urban Green Space Strategy - residents survey

Closed 18 Mar 2024

Opened 19 Feb 2024

Feedback updated 30 May 2024

We asked

In partnership with The Environment Partnership (TEP) and CFP Landscape & Heritage, NNC undertook an audit of greenspaces across North Northamptonshire in order to develop a strategy to invest just over £1.5m secured from the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

You said

A total of 97 sites were audited for quality and value.  290 responses were received to a residents’ survey.  A visioning workshop was also undertaken with NNC staff.  The conclusions from both were very similar, which has given the consultants preparing the Audit & Strategy confidence in their findings and the overall conclusions they’re making.  This is also expected to make the Council and its Members certain in agreeing recommendations for investment in priority schemes, and leave a legacy to go about seeking further funding from bids to deliver more projects beyond those receiving over £1Million of investment before the end of March 2025.

We did

The results of the consultation influenced the preparation of the Council’s Strategy for Urban Greenspace, which is in the final stages of preparation.  The Strategy will be put before Members of the UKSPF Panel in early June, whereby Members will be asked to agree multiple projects across each of the six towns (Corby, Desborough, Kettering, Wellingborough, Rushden and Higham Ferrers) and satisfying demands in terms of both activity and enjoyment of the natural environment and habitats.


North Northamptonshire Council has secured just over £1.5M of the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) to invest in the creation and improvement to the area’s local green spaces, community gardens and watercourse spaces.  Delivery of projects is scheduled to be complete by March 2025. The six urban areas identified are Corby, Desborough, Kettering, Wellingborough, Rushden and Higham Ferrers. 

The first part of the project includes undertaking an audit of urban green spaces within these settlements, before developing a strategy prioritising those spaces with plans for how the investment can improve the area and optimise its use for visitors. It is also hoped to create a legacy strategy document that can be used to attract future funding bids, building on the investment already secured through the UKSPF.  The Council has secured specialist open space consultants in The Environment Partnership (TEP) and CFP Landscape & Heritage to carry out engagement on the project brief and prepare a strategy with prioritised schemes for delivery.

The Council is keen to hear from residents, local groups/organisations and businesses with their views and suggestions for improvements to urban parks and green spaces at any of the six towns identified.  Examples might include any of the following, or other ideas:

  • Developing or creating a new park;
  • Creation of a new community garden;
  • Tree planting within urban environments;
  • Change in management to enhance ecological and amenity value;
  • Improvements to existing parks or greenspaces;
  • Improvements to accessibility.

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The closing date for sharing your thoughts is midnight, 18 March 2024.


  • Engagement activities
  • Health, leisure and parks