Statement of Licensing Principles: Gambling Act 2005

Closes 18 Oct 2024

Opened 20 Sep 2024


The Gambling Act 2005 places the responsibility for the licensing of gambling premises and the issuing of gambling permits with Local Authorities in their area.

We are required in law to publish a written Statement of Licensing Principles (usually referred to as the Gambling Licensing Policy), setting out how we intend to exercise the licensing and enforcement powers conveyed to us under the Act.

The Council’s current Gambling Licensing Policy came into effect on the 31 January 2022 and will cease to have effect on the 30 January 2025. The current Policy can be viewed via the Gambling Act 2005 – Statement of Licensing Principles 2022 to 2025 page of our website.

The draft Policy – what has changed?
The Council has taken the opportunity to revise the content of the Policy to reflect the latest guidance issued to licensing authorities by the Gambling Commission, to provide practical clarity to existing and potential licence holders and to assist Council officers to correctly apply the legal provisions of the Gambling Act 2005.

Gambling Act 2005 - Statement of Principles 2025-2028

The consultation period closes at 23.59 on Friday 18 October 2024.   

If you would like to comment on the draft Policy, it would be helpful if you could include your name, address, and contact telephone number.  If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, it would help us if you could give the name of the organisation, your position in that organisation and a brief description of who the organisation represents.  Please also state the paragraph or section number which relates to your comment/s. If your comment is more general in nature or relates to an issue not covered within the draft Policy, please indicate which of the licensing objectives has relevance. 

Email responses should be sent to:

Postal responses should be sent to:
North Northamptonshire Council
Municipal Offices
Bowling Green Road
NN15 7QX

Please note that copies of consultation responses are likely to be made publicly available.  The information they contain may also be published in a summary of the responses.

Next Steps:
An analysis of the consultation responses will be undertaken and presented, alongside a draft Policy, to the Council’s Licensing & Appeals Committee for consideration.  The Licensing and Appeals Committee will be asked to resolve to recommend the adoption of the revised Policy (with any additional revisions after considering the consultation responses) by Council in December 2024. The revised Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles will replace the current policy on 31 January 2025 and will be published at least four weeks before this date.


  • Consultations
  • Planning and building control