Wellingborough & Rushden Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

Closed 31 May 2024

Opened 2 May 2024

Feedback updated 25 Jul 2024

We asked

Residents, organisations and business were invited to give their view on the proposed routes identified for the Wellingborough & Rushden Area Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) which was created in collaboration with Pell Frischmann and Brightwayz.

The LCWIP provides a strategic approach to identifying cycling and walking improvements at a local level and enable the long-term approach to developing networks.

This LCWIP had a range of engagement and consultation with stakeholders and the public throughout the development of the plan. This engagement included a series of workshops with key stakeholders and residents that were held during the development of the LCWIP.

Participants at the most recent public consultation were able to comment on:

  • The overall network of proposals
  • Proposed routes and individual proposals

The online public consultation was promoted to stakeholders/residents who had already been involved in the development of the LCWIP as well as to the wider population through various media. In addition, various events were attended to raise the profile of the consultation and to help those wanting to comment upon the proposals.

You said

There were 157 responses in total, with 2069 visits to the website location of the survey. The overall results of the consultation showed that:

  • 63% strongly agree or agree with the proposals
  • 15% strongly disagree or disagree with the proposals
  • 22% were neutral/no view contributions

Detailed analysis of the responses showed that there was a disproportionately high level of disagreement with the Irthlingborough proposals (32% of responses to those proposals).

Analysis of the comments for Irthlingborough identified that the high level of disagreement was due to proposals for amending an existing car parking alignment

We did

Each of the responses and comments have been analysed and considered. A Consultation Report that summarises the findings of this analysis is being prepared and will be reported to NNC members (along with a report on the overall engagement for the overall LCWIP process) when approval of the Wellingborough & Rushden Area LCWIP proposals will be sought.

In total, 19 of the 29 proposals drawings have been amended to reflect received comments from this consultation. Many of these changes were suggestions to improve upon the previously identified proposals. However, there were also changes made to reflect comments regarding individual proposals. The most significant of these changes was the removal of proposals to amend the existing car parking alignment in Irthlingborough to widen the footway and discourage overhanging parked vehicles.


North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) is working with consultants Pell Frischmann, Kier and Brightwayz social enterprise to develop a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for Wellingborough, Rushden and other towns nearby.

LCWIPs provide a strategic approach to identifying cycling and walking improvements at a local level. They enable a long-term approach to developing local cycling and walking networks for the next ten years. They also form a vital part of the Government’s strategy to increase the number of trips made on foot or by cycle. 

By developing a good network plan for safe cycling, walking, scooting and wheeling (eg mobility scooter use) in the area, NNC will also be in a stronger position to bid for and win government funding or acquire funding from other sources to implement these changes.

This will give local people of all ages and abilities better options on how to travel for everyday journeys such as to work, education, healthcare, shopping, social or leisure activities. It will help reduce carbon emissions, reduce wear on our roads and congestion, improve air quality, improve access, boost health and well-being and improve quality of life for everyone.

Following early engagement with the local community and other stakeholders, initial ideas have been developed covering 31 specific routes across the area. We now need to ask local people for their views on these proposals for the routes they know and are interested in. This means the route plans can be tweaked or changed where needed before being included in the final stages of the LCWIP.

There is an opportunity to have your say on one, some or all of these routes via the survey below.

There are also two public exhibitions by Brightwayz and Pell Frischmann:

On:        Saturday 4 May 2024

Time:    10.00am - 1pm

Venue: Swansgate Shopping Centre,
18 Spring Lane,
            NN8 1EY


On:      Monday 6 May 2024

Time:  10.00am - 1pm

Venue: Rushden Lakes Shopping Centre (pink hut by Superdry),
            NN10 6FH

You can learn more about what is proposed, speak with the project team, and share your views. 

Following this stage, there will be a final consultation for this project. This stage is to ensure public views can help shape the plan at this relatively early stage. The consultation for the final plan is due to take place in autumn 2024, with an aim for the final plan to be approved and adopted by North Northamptonshire Council in the months afterwards.

If you have any enquiries about the plan or would like to arrange an appointment to speak to one of the team about the plans please email wellrush@brightwayz.co.uk.   

This stage closes at midnight, 31 May 2024.


  • Engagement activities
  • Planning and building control
  • Your council
  • Transport