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Rural health and wellbeing needs assessment
Page 1 of 6
25 Mar 2025
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About you and where you live
1.1. In what capacity are you answering this survey?
I live in a rural location
I regularly visit rural locations
I am interested in the rural geography
I am a Councillor in a rural location
I am a representative of a rural Town/Parish Council
I represent an organisation that supports rural communities
1.2. What is your postcode? By providing us with your postcode, you are consenting for us to use this information to understand where respondents live. It won’t be used to identify you. If you’d rather not share it, you can leave this question blank.
1.3. How connected do you feel to your local community? This could include feeling part of the community, having strong social ties, or being involved in local activities or groups.
Very connected
Somewhat connected
Not very connected
Not connected at all
I'm not sure
1.4. Are there any local groups, clubs, or social activities available where you live? (This includes hobby clubs, sports groups, or other community activities that are not specifically health-related)
Yes, and I participate regularly
Yes, but I don’t participate
No, there are no local groups or activities
I don’t know
1.5. How often do you feel safe in your local community?
Most of the time
If you want to tell us why you answered that way, you can do so here:
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