Consultation on school admission arrangements for September 2023 intakes

Closed 31 Dec 2021

Opened 8 Nov 2021

Feedback updated 4 Feb 2022

We asked

School admission arrangements must be determined annually and consulted must be carried out if changes are proposed. We asked for comments on the proposed admission arrangements for the 2023/24 academic year as we plan to reduce a small number of schools' Published Admission Numbers (PANs) and for Little Stanion Primary School to include a new criterion in their oversubscription criteria giving some priority to children of staff. In addition, each year, all local authorities must formulate and publish on their website, a scheme to co-ordinate admissions to the normal year of entry for all publicly funded schools within their area. Applications are processed in accordance with the timetables set out in these schemes. We asked for comments on the proposed Primary and Secondary co-ordinated schemes for the 2023 intake.

You said

There were no comments or objections to the proposals.

We did

As no comments were received in the consultation, we plan to determine the admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools in North Northamptonshire as proposed.


All admission authorities are required to formally consult if they want to make any changes to their schools’ admission arrangements for the following school year. They also have to consult on their schools’ admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes during that period.

North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) co-ordinates an annual school admissions consultation on behalf of all schools in the council area, regardless of who the admission authority is, should they request to be included. The aim of the consultation is to raise awareness of any proposed changes to school admission arrangements and ensure that these are subject to appropriate consultation.

The consultation on school admission arrangements for September 2023 is now open. The consultation will run from Monday 8 November 2021 to Friday 31 December 2021.

Proposed changes to school admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools for 2023 intakes

North Northamptonshire Council is the admission authority for all Community and Voluntary Controlled schools in the council area.

The local authority is proposing changes to the admission arrangements for its schools. Please find below an overview of the schools for which changes are proposed.

Please find below the proposed admission arrangements.

Proposed changes to school admission arrangements for own admission authority schools for 2023 intakes

The school governing body is the admission authority for all Foundation and Voluntary Aided schools in the council area, whilst the admission authority for Academies, Free Schools and UTCs is their Academy Trust.

The link below provides an overview of all schools in the North Northamptonshire Council area for whom NNC is co-ordinating consultation on admission arrangements for 2023

The following schools are taking part in the consultation co-ordinated by NNC. Click on the school names below to view the proposed admission arrangements on the school or Trust websites.

North Northamptonshire’s co-ordinated admission schemes for 2023 intakes (draft)

All local authorities must publish a scheme to co-ordinate admissions to schools within their area at the normal points of entry. This applies to all schools, regardless of who their admission authority is. See below draft details of the NNC co-ordinate schemes for 2023.

The local authority is proposing to remove the 5pm deadline for submission of on-time applications. Instead applications submitted up until midnight on the respective deadline dates will be accepted.

Responding to the proposed school admissions arrangements for 2023 intakes

Should you wish to make any comments about the co-ordinated scheme or any of the school admission arrangements above, you can do so by email:, or by post:

  • Schools Admissions Manager
  • North Northamptonshire Council
  • One Angel Square 
  • Angel Street
  • Northampton
  • NN1 1ED

Objections to the Schools Adjudicator

Objections to the Schools Adjudicator regarding the admission arrangements already determined by admission authorities for the 2022-2023 academic year, can be made until 15 May 2022

The contact details are as follows:

  • Officer of the Schools Adjudicator
  • Bishopsgate House
  • Feethams
  • Darlington
  • DL1 5QE


Find out about Objection to school admission arrangements on GOV.UK (


  • Consultations
  • Schools and education