New primary school at Stanton Cross SUE, Wellingborough consultation

Closed 12 Aug 2021

Opened 15 Jul 2021


North Northamptonshire Council proposes to establish a new mainstream primary school on the new Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) development at Wellingborough, known as Stanton Cross.

A Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) is underway in Wellingborough, to the east of the town. Once complete, there will be about 3,650 homes. The planning consent and associated Section 106 (S106) agreement for the SUE stipulates a site large enough for a two form entry primary school with a sports pitch and children's centre.

It is proposed that the school will be a co-educational mainstream sponsored academy primary school for children aged 4 to 11 years, with a total capacity of 420 pupils (two forms in each year group), once fully open.

This size and type of provision is consistent with what the Council would expect for any development of the scale and nature of the Stanton Cross SUE. Its construction will be funded fully through S106 contributions at a cost of about £9.6m.

North Northamptonshire Council is of the view that provision in accordance with the planning assumptions is the appropriate way to ensure that there are sufficient primary school places for children who reside within the Stanton Cross development at Wellingborough as the SUE progresses.

The proposal comes forward in the context of the SUE which has been carefully considered by the local planning authority and has been the subject of a public planning process.

North Northamptonshire Council is consulting generally at this stage to invite any comments which might inform the process for delivering the school within the criteria already established in the planning process.

For more information about the proposed primary school on the new Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) development at Wellingborough, please read through the consultation supporting information.

An Equality Screening Assessment (PDF 346KB) has been completed to evidence what impact the proposal may have on equality groups.

This consultation will run from Thursday 15 July to midnight on Thursday 12 August 2021.

If you have any questions or enquiries about the consultation, please contact Rebecca Knight via email at

For information about how consultation and engagement responses are managed, please see the consultation and engagement privacy notice.

What happens next

The Strategic Planning Team will review all feedback from this consultation and then provide information on its outcomes.


  • Consultations
  • Schools and education