We want to listen
Thank you for taking the time to visit our Your Voice Matters web pages, which is the hub for our consultation and engagement activities.
It’s vital we hear people’s views on our services and future proposals to help ensure we provide great value services, which are flexible and appropriate to local needs, and help improve the lives of those who live, work and visit the area.
Consultation and engagement is a key part of our democratic decision-making process and ensures that the voices and opinions of individuals, communities, and stakeholders are considered alongside other aspects when we shape our policies, projects, and other initiatives in North Northants.
Please do provide your feedback, sign up to our Residents’ Panel, and share the links with your friends and family who may be interested in shaping future plans.
Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council
Get involved
Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-29 Feedback – Have your say
Local authorities are required to establish Health and Wellbeing Boards to bring together key stakeholders in health and social care at a local level. This is set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012. The North Northamptonshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-2029 offers a broad focus on tackling local health inequalities. The strategy identifies five key areas of focus and each of those has an Action Plan designed to be responsive and seeks...
Local Transport Plan - Baseline report
North Northamptonshire Council is looking to produce its first Local Transport Plan (LTP) for the North Northamptonshire area. This Plan will identify our transport policies, objectives and linking in with the North Northamptonshire Big 50 Future Vision, Corporate Plan and the wider Council policies for the area. We are seeking to start the process by engaging with stakeholders and residents on the draft Local Transport Plan Baseline Report . We recommend that you view...
Rural health and wellbeing needs assessment
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We want to understand more about the health and wellbeing needs of people living in rural communities across North Northamptonshire. Your experiences and insights will help us build a clearer picture of what works well, what challenges you face, and how services could better meet your needs. This survey is for anyone living in a rural area or smaller town within North Northamptonshire. Rural...
Active Communities in the Corby area
North Northamptonshire Council - Active Communities Team and Northamptonshire Sport are looking to gain insight into the activity levels of Corby residents. The purpose of this form is to develop an understanding of the activity levels of Corby, for individuals of all ages. The data collected will be used to deliver the Sport England Place Partnership project in Corby. As a partnership, we are keen to develop an understanding of current activity levels and the reasons for...
Draft Housing Strategy 2025-2030 – have your say
The draft Housing Strategy 2025-2030 brings together the various elements that make up the council’s strategic housing function. Its purpose is to identify the key housing issues and challenges facing North Northamptonshire over the next five years and to set high level aims and objectives across the full range of housing-related areas. The draft Housing Strategy 2025-2030 and its delivery plan has been developed and prepared in collaboration with the...
Have your say on traffic regulation orders
Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)
Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) are legal documents developed by the Traffic Authority which are required to support a range of different measures, which govern or restrict the use of public roads. These measures include: waiting and loading restrictions (double yellow lines, limited waiting, loading etc.) one-way streets banned turns speed limits weight or width restrictions bus or cycle lanes electric vehicle parking places Further information...
Recently closed activities
Prescribed Alteration Statutory Proposal – Alfred Lord Tennyson School
School: Alfred Lord Tennyson School (ALTS) Local Authority: North Northamptonshire Type of Alteration: Alteration of upper or lower age range by one year or more,...
Great Addington Parish Neighbourhood Plan Proposal
North Northamptonshire Council has formally received the Great Addington Parish Neighbourhood Plan, which has been submitted in accordance with Regulation 15 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General)...
North Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2025/26 Consultation
The draft revenue budget for North Northamptonshire Council was approved by the Executive on 19 December 2024 and we are now seeking views on our proposals for the next financial year. ...
Have Your Say on the SEND Local Offer Logo
The North Northamptonshire SEND Local Offer has been undergoing a review and refresh alongside the creation of the new Children's Digital Front Door platform and development of the North Northants...
Term Dates for North Northamptonshire schools for the 2026-27 academic year
North Northamptonshire Council is now consulting on proposed term dates for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools for the 2026-27 academic year. The consultation will run from...
Consultation on school admission arrangements for September 2026 intakes
When changes are proposed to admission arrangements, all admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements (including any supplementary information form) that will apply for...