148 results
Initial Consultation : Proposed amalgamation of Tennyson Road Infant School and Alfred Street Junior School, Rushden.
The Council’s Executive meeting on 24 February 2022 authorised the commencement of the statutory process relating to the amalgamation of Tennyson Road Infant School and Alfred Street Junior School, Rushden. We are seeking your initial views on the options of the proposed amalgamation. What is this consultation about? This initial consultation is about a proposed almalgamation of: Tennyson Road Infant School which provides education for... MoreOpened 7 March 2022 -
Public Spaces Protection Order Extension - Surrey Close - Consultation 2022
A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) is a power under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, that allows a council to impose restrictions in particular areas to tackle nuisance or problem behaviour, within a defined public area. North Northamptonshire Council is seeking your views and evidence on whether the PSPO for Surrey Close should be approved. The PSPO being in place acts as a deterrent to reduce the likelihood of incidents occurring and supports action... MoreOpened 7 March 2022 -
Visitor Use of the Upper Nene Valley
This is a survey undertaken in partnership with West Northamptonshire Council, Bedford Borough Council and the Beds, Cambs and Northants Wildlife Trust. We are currently undertaking a project to understand how people use the Nene Valley for recreation, so we can understand the impact on the important wildlife habitats in the area. As part of this an online survey has been developed. If you go out into the valley to walk, run, cycle, fish, birdwatch, row or indeed... MoreOpened 2 March 2022 -
Boundary Commission for England - New Map of Constituencies
North Northamptonshire Council has been asked by the Boundary Commission for England to promote their consultation on the New Map of Constituencies. Constituencies are changing - have your say now via bcereviews.org.uk , or at a public hearing in your region. The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) is required by Parliament to undertake an independent and impartial review of all constituencies in England, to rebalance the number of electors in each constituency. The 2023... MoreOpened 23 February 2022 -
Early Years Funding Proposal
North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) is required to consult with Schools Forum on the proposed arrangements for the Early Years Funding Formula for Private, Voluntary and Independent settings (PVI), Childminders and Maintained Nursery Sector (MNS) funded providers. Schools forums must also be consulted on changes to local early years funding formulas, including agreeing central spend by 17 th March 2022, although the final decision rests with the local authority. Unless a disapplication... MoreOpened 16 February 2022 -
South West Kettering Neighbourhood Plan Proposal
Publicising the Neighbourhood Plan Proposal The Council formally received the South West Kettering (Headlands Community) Neighbourhood Plan proposal on 7 th January 2022. In accordance with Regulation 15 of the (Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) the submission includes the following documents: Plan Proposal Map identifying the area to which the proposed neighbourhood plan relates [bound within... MoreOpened 13 January 2022 -
North Northamptonshire Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
North Northamptonshire Council is developing a Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) for the area and invites interested parties to help shape its development. The main role of the HELAA is to help the Council identify a supply of land which is suitable, available and achievable for future housing and economic development uses and provide an evidence base to inform the plan making process. Please note, however, this Call for Sites... MoreOpened 12 January 2022 -
New Primary School at Glenvale Park Wellingborough
North Northamptonshire Council proposes to establish a new mainstream primary school on the new Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) to the north of Wellingborough, known as Glenvale Park. Provision for this school has been made within the planning consent and the Section 106 (S106) agreement for the SUE as a whole. The S106 agreement is a legal document which requires that sites suitable for two, two form of entry primary schools (or one 3 form of entry primary school – TBC), and the... MoreOpened 10 January 2022 -
North Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2022/23 Consultation
North Northamptonshire Council’s budget proposals set out a detailed spending strategy for the authority for the financial year 2022-2023 as well as outlining the medium-term financial plan for the next two years. The council is working hard to protect vital services, while at the same time proposing a balanced budget , with a net revenue budget of £293.5million. This funding provides a range of services to residents and businesses across the area... MoreOpened 23 December 2021 -
North Northamptonshire Statement of Community Involvement
The purpose of the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is to set out what consultation the Council will carry out with the community on planning policy documents and planning applications. The SCI explains who the Council will consult with, when and how. It is a statutory requirement for the Council as a local planning authority to have an adopted SCI in place to ensure effective community involvement at all stages of the planning process. As a newly formed unitary council... MoreOpened 17 December 2021 -
Immediate Article 4 Direction: Birch Bros Bus Depot, Higham Road, Rushden
The council has made an immediate Article 4 Direction covering the former Birch Bros Bus Depot, Higham Road, Rushden. The direction withdraws the permitted development right concerning demolition, meaning that the demolition of the building will now require planning permission. The direction will expire within a period of six months unless confirmed by the council before the end of this period. The Article 4 direction and supporting information are available to view below... MoreOpened 30 November 2021 -
Public Spaces Protection Order Extension - Corby Town Centre - Consultation 2021
A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) is a power under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, that allows a council to impose restrictions in particular areas to tackle nuisance or problem behaviour, within a defined public area. North Northamptonshire Council is seeking your views and evidence on whether the PSPO for Corby Town Centre, which was granted in 2015, and renewed in 2018, should be renewed and extended for a further 3 years. Since 14th December... MoreOpened 19 November 2021 -
Consultation on school admission arrangements for September 2023 intakes
All admission authorities are required to formally consult if they want to make any changes to their schools’ admission arrangements for the following school year. They also have to consult on their schools’ admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes during that period. North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) co-ordinates an annual school admissions consultation on behalf of all schools in the council area, regardless of who the admission... MoreOpened 8 November 2021 -
Project Gigabit: Open Market Review
An Open Market Review request for information from broadband network providers operating in intervention areas identified in the second release of Phase 2 of Project Gigabit. The Government is on a mission to deliver lightning-fast, reliable broadband to everyone in the UK and is investing £5 billion in Project Gigabit to ensure that hard-to-reach communities are not left out. Building Digital UK (BDUK) is carrying out an Open Market Review (OMR) in 6 areas including parts of... MoreOpened 20 October 2021 -
Bus back better: How can we improve bus services across North and West Northamptonshire?
North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council have both committed to develop a Bus Service Improvement Plan and form an Enhanced Partnership with local bus operators to implement improvements in their bus networks in line with the Government's National Bus Strategy “Bus Back Better”. To help us with this work, we are seeking your views on the improvements you would like to see in local bus services by answering the survey below. This is your opportunity to... MoreOpened 17 September 2021 -
Zz (C&G)What do you think we should look at (scrutinise) more closely?
North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) is looking at the areas it will scrutinise over the next year. We would like your views to help us identify the key areas to look at more closely – your feedback will help Scrutiny Committee members to focus on the right areas for North Northamptonshire. Perhaps there are council services you feel require improvement Maybe there are council services that need to be provided in a different way You may feel there are national issues... MoreOpened 13 September 2021 -
Emergencies: How prepared are you?
As part of the national #30Days30WaysUK campaign, September is Preparedness Month and we run an annual survey to find out how prepared people are for emergencies that may happen. Since 2015, the 30Days30WaysUK campaign aims to inspire and empower people to be more ‘emergency ready’. This short survey has its roots in the 2008 ‘place survey’ across all local authorities in England and the 2013 ‘How Prepared Are You’ survey in Northamptonshire. It also takes inspiration... MoreOpened 8 September 2021 -
North Northamptonshire Draft Corporate Plan 2021-25 consultation
North Northamptonshire Council is working on its first ever Corporate Plan. The Corporate Plan sets out the Council’s vision, values, key commitments and priorities for the future. The Corporate Plan also aims to provide clarity about what the Council is about, where it wants to go, and, when the draft plan is complete, it will provide an overview of the actions the Council will take to help make its vision a reality. We would... MoreOpened 6 September 2021 -
Do you have flood resilience measures installed in your home?
As part of the Ox-Cam Pathfinder Project, North Northamptonshire Council, in partnership with 8 local authorities, would like to know about the flood resilience measures installed in homes across the Oxford-Cambridge Arc (Ox-Cam) region. The Ox-Cam Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Pathfinder Project aims to find new and innovative ways of embedding flood resilience into properties (both homes and businesses) and help raise the understanding of property flood resilience across the... MoreOpened 12 August 2021 -
Oxford-Cambridge Arc: Have your say on local future sustainable development
People in North Northamptonshire have the opportunity to help shape the long-term development of the area as part of a newly launched Government consultation. North Northamptonshire sits in the wider Oxford-Cambridge Arc, the name given to the area identified by government as one of its key priorities for sustainable economic growth. The consultation focuses on what has been called the Arc’s spatial framework – or blueprint for how this growth could take place... MoreOpened 20 July 2021 -
Fair Access Protocol for North Northamptonshire schools in 2021 to 2022 consultation
North Northamptonshire Council, as the local authority, is raising awareness of changes to the Fair Access Protocol in the new School Admissions Code 2021, which comes into force on 1 September 2021. This consultation is to enable schools, as well as other potentially interested parties, to register their views and opinions. Each local authority must have a Fair Access Protocol, agreed with the majority of schools in its area, to ensure that unplaced and... MoreOpened 15 July 2021 -
New primary school at Stanton Cross SUE, Wellingborough consultation
North Northamptonshire Council proposes to establish a new mainstream primary school on the new Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) development at Wellingborough, known as Stanton Cross. A Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) is underway in Wellingborough, to the east of the town. Once complete, there will be about 3,650 homes. The planning consent and associated Section 106 (S106) agreement for the SUE stipulates a site large enough for a two form entry primary school with a sports pitch and... MoreOpened 15 July 2021 -
Kettering Borough Site Specific Part 2 Local Plan - Main modifications consultation
The council is consulting on the proposed Main Modifications to the Kettering Borough Site Specific Part 2 Local Plan (SSP2) and on proposed changes to the Policies Map. The Site Specific Part 2 Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State on 28 May 2020. The Examination hearing sessions took place online between 8 October and 16 October 2020. Following the Examination hearing sessions a number of changes are proposed to the Site Specific Part 2 Local Plan - Publication Plan... MoreOpened 19 March 2021 -
North Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2021-22 consultation
The North Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2021-22 Consultation ran from 11 December 2020 to midnight on 29 January 2021 on the Future Northants Consultation Hub as part of preparations for the formation of North Northamptonshire Council. The consultation has been added to the North Northamptonshire Consultation Hub as a matter of record and to provide feedback on how consultation responses assisted decision making. The first ever draft revenue budget for North... MoreOpened 11 December 2020 -
North Northamptonshire Council Draft Housing Allocation Scheme consultation (November 2020)
The North Northamptonshire Council Draft Housing Allocation Scheme Consultation (November 2020) ran from 4 November to midnight on 15 December 2020 on the Future Northants Consultation Hub as part of preparations for the formation of North Northamptonshire Council. The consultation has been added to the North Northamptonshire Consultation Hub as a matter of record and to provide feedback on how consultation responses assisted decision making. All local housing authorities are... MoreOpened 4 November 2020 -
North Northamptonshire Council Local Council Tax Support Scheme (LCTSS) consultation 2021-22
The North Northamptonshire Council Local Council Tax Support Scheme (LCTSS) Consultation 2021-22 ran from 5 October to midnight on 30 November 2020 on the Future Northants Consultation Hub as part of preparations for the formation of North Northamptonshire Council. The consultation has been added to the North Northamptonshire Consultation Hub as a matter of record and to provide feedback on how consultation responses assisted decision making. Background The Local Council Tax... MoreOpened 5 October 2020 -
Have your say on the new North Northamptonshire Council logo
The 'Have your say on the new North Northamptonshire Council logo' engagement activity ran from 17 August to midnight on 6 September 2020 on the Future Northants Consultation Hub as part of preparations for the formation of North Northamptonshire Council. The engagement activity has been added to the North Northamptonshire Consultation Hub as a matter of record and to provide feedback on how consultation responses assisted decision making. A new logo is being developed for North... MoreOpened 17 August 2020 -
Customer Services opening hours in the new Northamptonshire unitary authorities
The 'Customer Services opening hours in the new Northamptonshire unitary authorities' engagement activity ran from 7 July to midnight on 23 August 2020 on the Future Northants Consultation Hub as part of preparations for the formation of North Northamptonshire Council. The engagement activity has been added to the North Northamptonshire Consultation Hub as a matter of record and to provide feedback on how consultation responses assisted decision making. The way local government... MoreOpened 27 July 2020
148 results.
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